Parent Contributions

2025 Curriculum Contributions

Wallington Primary School is looking forward to another great year of teaching and learning and would like to advise you of the voluntary parent (caregiver) contributions for 2025.

Public schools are required to provide students with free instruction to fulfil the Victorian Curriculum and we want to assure you that all parent contributions are voluntary.

Wallington Primary School is a non-profit organisation. The difference between funds provided by the Department of Education and those required for this school to operate to the high standard we expect, leaves a shortfall. To continue providing these meaningful and engaging programs that our community highly values, it is essential the school has your support with the financial contribution towards Curriculum and Other Contributions for 2025.

Your financial contributions are greatly appreciated and significantly enhance our ability to:

  • Provide rich experiences in specialist subjects including Art, STEM, Indigenous Studies and PE

  • Ensure students have engaging resources across the curriculum i.e., updated readers, numeracy and technology subscriptions such as reading eggs and Essential Assessment;

  • Maintain and upgrade play areas

You will find a detailed summary here of how your voluntary contribution will be used to enable a higher standard of teaching and learning in 2025. For further information on the Department’s Parent Payments Policy please see a one-page overview or follow the link: Department’s Parent Payment Policy