The Science Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) program at WPS empowers students to explore and create solutions to real-world challenges. Through this program, students build foundational knowledge and skills, develop critical thinking frameworks, and gain confidence as innovative and creative individuals. They also enhance their management, collaboration, and problem-solving abilities by engaging in a wide range of tasks, challenges, and projects.

STEM integrates seamlessly with all areas of the school curriculum, aligning closely with our core values of Respect, Resilience, and Responsibility. It also connects to our First Nations program, where students learn about the contributions of the first engineers and scientists.

The program involves hands-on experiences, such as using tools, drawing and drafting, applying the design process, and developing ideas into actionable projects. Students are encouraged to reflect on their learning journey and appreciate the value of teamwork in achieving shared goals.

As our students proudly say, "We build stuff!" The joy and enthusiasm evident in their learning experiences, as showcased in the video, highlight the unique and dynamic nature of STEM at WPS.